Collection 1 • 2015-Present
These vibrant pieces express a deeper evolution of who I am and what I want to express as a musician, composer and change-maker. Sometimes I feel as if the music is channeling through me, instructing me, inviting me to explore and articulate the human spirit. I have often said that I follow the notes and they take me to where they want to be. I am currently exploring the use of loops and combining acoustic and midi instrumentation. These selections are more dynamic and expansive in their musical arrangements and lend themselves to visual expression.

Collection 2 • 2010-2015
The Beautiful took five years to complete. On this CD I had discovered how to use midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). This led to an expanded use of orchestral instrumentation and more complex harmonies.
The spectrum of musicianship is broad but distinct: At one end, gorgeous rich tones resonating from a full orchestra; at the other, single notes tiptoeing on an acoustic guitar…and all that lies in between. Let these surprising melodies lead you down an inviting path, one that can be visited again and again.
—V. McCown
…your music is full of melodic and evocative ideas, ideal for film scoring…it’s very visual music.
—C. Hoag

Collection 3 • 1992-2010
Eighteen years passed between my first CD and Dose of Infinity. During that time I completed my graduate degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and in 2000 moved to Tucson and opened a TCM school and became president. This CD is more organic and features mostly
acoustic guitar and layered violin tracks. Many thanks to my friend Beth Daunis for her violin virtuosity and creativity.
You are not a songwriter, you are a composer. Each piece is an emotional journey and more complex than any “song”. You’d make for a fantastic soundtrack composer.

Music Collection #4
These selections are from my first CD, Within the Heart—my contribution to the progressive rock scene in Seattle in the early 90s. I had turned my pieces over to a professional producer who crafted them into “new age rock” for my first musical foray.
It is a continual source of joy to me that previously unknown artists keep coming into my life through their music. Alex, who composed all the music on Within the Heart, is one of the latest gifts to my ears and library. With the able assistance of a half dozen musicians and occasional back-up choir, Alex has created an album of gentle melodies, spiced with percussion and voice in just the right places. Alex plays piano, synthesizer, bass, and percussion, while other musicians contribute acoustic and electric guitars, oboe, sax, trumpet, and additional percussion. From the haunting “Invocation” to the sublime “Grace,” Within the Heart is a treat for the heart as well as the ears.
—Musical Best Bets by Steve Ryais, New Age Retailer